超好買 Mytheresa 精品網站購物教學 購買流程、關稅、退貨一次搞懂
放假在家幹嘛?除了出去玩,放鬆一下,網購絕對會在M的To Do List之一😂 M每天都在逛,網購真的太方便啦~賺錢不容易,錢當然要花在刀口上,想要買好東西,但如何買到好東西的好deal,M今天就來跟大家分享我的小秘訣之一:在Mytheresa上買東西。...
MS. Tastemaker - a blog about lifestyle.
M stands for Marisa, and S stands for Selina. We are made in Taiwan but based in the world. We would like to share our perspectives on fashion, travel, food...every good thing from East to West, and from West to East.
Join us on our journey of lifestyle discovery and curation! xx