2017 洛杉磯景點推薦 讓你身心靈一次滿足的 Getty Center 蓋蒂中心
說到LA,你的第一印象是什麼? 一般人的回答大概會是好萊塢、Hollywood Sign、比佛利山莊又或是波棒的天氣與海灘,鮮少有人會直接聯想到某某博物館,甚至是Getty Center,所以M今天就要來跟大家推薦這個CP值超高的博物館─蓋蒂中心。...
MS. Tastemaker - a blog about lifestyle.
M stands for Marisa, and S stands for Selina. We are made in Taiwan but based in the world. We would like to share our perspectives on fashion, travel, food...every good thing from East to West, and from West to East.
Join us on our journey of lifestyle discovery and curation! xx