2017 台北Fine Dining推薦 - 莫爾頓牛排館 Morton’s the Steakhouse - Taipei
圖片來源:@mortonstaipei 早就聞名這家來自美國芝加哥的知名牛排 - 莫爾頓牛排館 Morton’s the Steakhouse - Taipei,這次端午連假,S難得在台灣便藉慶生之名和家人一起來體驗。 電話訂位時,服務人員貼心地詢問是否因特別慶祝理由來用餐...
MS. Tastemaker - a blog about lifestyle.
M stands for Marisa, and S stands for Selina. We are made in Taiwan but based in the world. We would like to share our perspectives on fashion, travel, food...every good thing from East to West, and from West to East.
Join us on our journey of lifestyle discovery and curation! xx