廉航常常起降於較冷門的機場和時段 廉航(Budget Airlines)的興起完全改變了這個世界的遊戲規則,環遊世界不再是有錢人的專屬夢想,只要多做一點點功課,花小錢暢遊多國並非難事,甚至有時難以置信的便宜票價,更是讓人覺得不去玩對不起自己呢!網路上已經有不少專業文章教你如...
MS. Tastemaker - a blog about lifestyle.
M stands for Marisa, and S stands for Selina. We are made in Taiwan but based in the world. We would like to share our perspectives on fashion, travel, food...every good thing from East to West, and from West to East.
Join us on our journey of lifestyle discovery and curation! xx