OPENING 開場白 - By S
我是Selina,台灣人,歡迎來到MS Tastemaker! 沒錯,就如M所說的「萬事起頭難」,我們有這個部落格的想法很久了,但一再拖延下一兩年就這麼過了,2017年對我來說又是一個人生新階段,經營這個部落格也是我的新挑戰之一! 這是一個Lifestyle...
MS. Tastemaker - a blog about lifestyle.
M stands for Marisa, and S stands for Selina. We are made in Taiwan but based in the world. We would like to share our perspectives on fashion, travel, food...every good thing from East to West, and from West to East.
Join us on our journey of lifestyle discovery and curation! xx